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TVD 2x16 - Katherine pretends to be Elena | Delena Scenes HD
TVD 2x16 - Katherine pretended to be Elena to protect her from Jonas | Delena Scenes HD
TVD 2X16 Katherine pretends to be Elena
Katherine pretends to be Elena || 2x16 SCENE
TVD 2x16 - Katherine wants to help Elena, Damon and Stefan kill Klaus | Delena Scenes HD
The Vampire Diaries - Katherine pretends to be Elena (2x16)
TVD 2x16 - Katherine offers to help Damon protect Elena from Jonas | Delena Scenes HD
Elena And Stefan Find Out Katherine Is Out Of The Tomb - The Vampire Diaries 2x16 Scene
Stefan choked Elena thought she was Katherine | The vampire diaries Season 2 Episode 16
katherine pretends like elena for almost 2 minutes straight
Katherine Knew Daggering Elijah Would Kill Damon - The Vampire Diaries 2x16 Scene
the Vampire Diaries season 2 episode 16 Stefan, Elena, Damon and Katherine